Online Giving
We thank you for visiting our website and for supporting the ongoing ministries and operations of our beloved parish. We are happy to be able to offer faithful and friends a means to lovingly give of their treasures to support St. Demetrios Church.
We have chosen to use TITHE.LY for our online giving. There are many benefits:
- It is made for Churches.
- It is secure.
- You can give via Credit Card or with your Bank Account.
Currently you can give towards a DONATION, STEWARDSHIP or to LIGHT A VIGIL CANDLE. Thank you and God bless your generosity and love for The Greek Orthodox Church of St. Demetrios in Elmhurst, IL.
Stewardship is our grateful and loving response to God’s love, grace and gifts to us. It is our personal commitment to God and His Church to ensure its vitality and continuous growth by joyfully and sacrificially offering of our talents, time and treasures that we have received from Him. Stewardship puts our faith in action and demonstrates our trust in God.
Click here to begin your Stewardship Commitment process
Your general donation will go towards the ongoing ministries and operations of our beloved parish. You may choose the Donation Fund you prefer.
Click here to make your Donation
With our Church open, but with limited capacity and times to visit, you might not always have an opportunity to light a candle. We would like to give you the opportunity to light a 7-day vigil candle and submit names for the health of or in memory of a beloved one.
Please include in the NOTE/MEMO section of your donation, either names of the LIVING or of those have FALLEN ASLEEP. Indicate those who have fallen asleep with + BEFORE their names. A vigil candle will be lit and a prayer said for those listed. If you would like to submit names to be commemorated before Divine Liturgy, please contact the Church Office. A minimum donation of $7 is recommended for a vigil candle. May God watch over those we pray for! (Please choose the "Light a Vigil Candle" Fund when making your contribution and list names in the note/memo section.)
Click here to purchase your Vigil Candle