Parish Ministries: Introduction

St. Demetrios is blessed to have many ministries to offer to our faithful of all ages.  We are also blessed to have so many dedicated parishioners who give of their time and talents, along with our wonderful staff, who make these ministries run smoothly in a Christ-centered manner.  Feel free to browse each ministries page to learn more, and if you have any questions you may contact the Church Office at 630.834.7010

Altar Boys

To be an altar boy is a privilege and a blessing.   All young boys who are currently in second grade or higher in public school are welcome to join.   more


The St. Demetrios Athletic program has fostered friendships, community and a successful history over the years.   more

Compassionate Friends

Our mission statement is: To motivate our Church community to assist those in need.   more

JOY & The Way

JOY is our youth minsitry for Grades K-2 and The Way is for youth in Grades 3-5. Both ministries are designed to promote bonding between the child and the Faith, promote the tenets of Greek Orthodox Christianity in the lives of young people and develop Orthodox Christian Fellowship & promote proper Orthodox Christian development.   more


Our Middle School ministry is designed for our students from 6-8th grade.  Its goal is to develop a "closeness" between young people in our community as a group and to help them formulate a solid Orthodox Christian foundation on which to build.   more

Parish Council

The Parish Council is the local governing body of the parish of St. Demetrios. It is comprised of the Priests and a group of practicing Orthodox Christians sacramentally in good standing with the Church.    more


The Ladies Philoptochos Society is a national charitable organization that was established in the 1931 by the late Athenogoras I, then Archbishop of North and South America. The ministry was named Philoptochos, "friends of the poor."  The St. Demetrios Philoptochos Society has supported this nationwide effort for many years by distributing funds raised through bake sales, donations, the annual fashion show and much more.    more



Senior GOYA is our ministry for High School students from 9-12th grade. The goal of this group is to form bonds of fellowship with peers, to solidify Greek Orthodox Christian beliefs in the lives of teenage students while affording them the opportunity to express their Faith.   more

Vacation Church School (VCS)

VCS is week full of religious lessons, hands-on arts and crafts, singing and dancing, drama, and organized games will take place for all Pre-K through 6th graders.  7th and 8th graders will enjoy a customized schedule packed with excursions of outreach and team-building, along with in-depth discussions with the Teen Track advisors.    more

Young Adult League (YAL)

YAL's goal is to gather the young adults of our community and for them together to grow socially and spiritually in the Orthodox Faith.  This happens at the parish level as well as participating in the Metropolis YAL events.   more